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Lightsky Consulting applies a specific philosophy to its actions: the CPM® (Culture-Present-Method), a promise born from the contribution, fusion, and interaction of ideas and visions from professionals with diverse backgrounds. The promise of a new and sustainable form of implementation.

The [C]ulture in achievement, understood not so much as a notion, but as knowledge, tradition, experience, the ability to choose and evaluate, and the generation of thought and strategy.

The analysis of the [P]resent, understood as a way to be current with changes and in some cases precede them, knowing how to interact with their fluid movements and with the present.

The honesty of the [M]ethod, understood as discharge oneself from all those indications and oversights, which can already first divert the human application of a path, and which allow you to work with impartiality and independence in order to obtain an objective result.


Lightsky has implemented a method composed of some of the most effective management and analysis criteria – [OSS+AC+AAR] – finding a significant result in their integration.

One Stop Shop

One Stop Shop consists in providing a single interlocutor, a single place, which allows the customer to find all the skills and have complete control with a through a well-rounded path.

After Action Review [AAR]

After Action Review is a management and awareness tool, a reflection and learning exercise, a way to build a culture of responsibility.

Adaptive Cycle

Adaptive Cycle consists of an adaptive cycle model that moves in a specific ecosystem: growth-accumulation, release, reorganization-renewal, and meant to be a tool for thought.

We have a unique perspective. Or a thousand


HOW Can we help?


We are facing radical changes. These changes redefine all priorities within the private, corporate, and government sectors and call for new business and relationship models.



The consultants in our network, in synergy with all of our areas of service, are available to build flexible and adaptive solutions that make experiencing this change both possible and real.